
Hello! My name is Marta Soppe-Navetta and I am the owner of Navetta Nursery. I grew up in the high desert of northern New Mexico, but have lived in Oregon over 15 years. My husband grew up here, and we have been living in Newberg over 12 years now together. We love spending time outside with our kiddo and family.

I grew up in flower gardens. My mom had a garden design business that I worked for from a young age. I loved spending my time digging in the soil and playing with flowers. Life started and I ended up spending over 20 years in the restaurant business, while tending to a home garden as often as possible.

Like so many, when the pandemic hit, I finally had hours of time on my hands for my favorite hobby, and a chance to put myself on a path that helped my mental health instead of hurt it. The longer I was away from the restaurant world, the more I realized flowers and plants were what I wanted to do.

Navetta Nursery is a family business. Our flower fields are split between two family properties, both within half a mile of the Newberg city center. We have over 500 Dahlias planted this year as well many other varieties of flowers. We use natural growing methods, focusing on soil health first and foremost.

Flowers are about love and healing to me and I am honored to have the chance to share that with our community!

We offer cut flowers to florists and the public; bunches, buckets, bouquets, special arrangements, events, bouquet bars and more. We would love to hear why you love flowers and how we can help you!